Medical and Biological Physics. Information Technology in Medicine
practical classes
Topic list
Function of many variables. Partial derivatives. Partial differentials. Total differential.
Mathematical processing of the results of direct and indirect measurements.
Mechanical properties of biological tissues and dental materials
Fundamentals of biomechanics.
Physical bases of sound methods in medicine. Removal of the spectral characteristics of the ear at the threshold of audibility
Physical bases of ultrasound use in medicine and dentistry.
Fluid mechanics. Viscosity coefficient determination
Liquids surface tension. Determine of coefficient surface tension by Rebinder method
Transport phenomenon in cell.
Biopotentials. Electrography of tissues and organs.
Electrical field of the heart. Simulation of the electrical field of the heart. Methods of investigation of heart activity.
Direct electric current in medicine.
Alternating electric current in medicine. Impedance plethysmography. Recording of rheogram. Estimate of cardiac discharge. Rheography.
Pulsed currents in medicine.
Total test of module 1.
Sensors. Electrical determination of non-electrical magnitude.
Magnetic field in medicine.
Shortwave and microwave therapy. Surgical diathermy and violet rays therapy
Optical microscopy.
Biophysics of vision.
Polarized light in medicine
Light absorption and medical diagnostics
Ultraviolet, visible and IR light and its therapeutic application
Thermal radiation of bioobjects. Luminescence in medicine
Physical basis of luminescent research methods in medicine.
Lasers in medicine
Electron microscopy.
X-rays in medicine
Fundamentals of nuclear medicine. Dosimetry
Total test of module 2
21.10. 24, IIІ class Movement of blood through the vessels, basic concepts and patterns of hydro- and hemodynamics
Fediv V.I.
04.11.24, IIІ class Movement of blood through the vessels, basic concepts and patterns of hydro- and hemodynamics
Fediv V.I.
18.11.24, IIІ class Basic concepts and regularities of electromagnetism. Magnetobiology. Electromagnetic oscillations and waves.
Fediv V.I.
02.12.24, IІI class Elements of thermodynamics
Kulchynskyi V.V.
16.12.24, IІI class Information Technologies in Dentistry
Kulchynskyi V.V.
Information Technologies in Dentistry (Elective, 1 course)