Medical and Biological Physics
Pactical classes
Topic list
Derivative of function and composite function. Derivatives of different (higher) orders. Differentials of function of one independent variable. Function of many variables. Partial derivatives. Partial differentials of function of many variables. Total differential.
Mathematical treatment of direct and indirect measurements.
Differential equations. Methods of their integration.
Simulation of the medico-biological process by means of the differential equation.
Sound and hearing. Registration of the spectral characteristic of an ear on a threshold of audibility.
Ultrasound in medicine. Use of ultrasound in treatment and diagnostic.
Fluid mechanics. Determination of viscosity coefficient. Viscosity of liquid.
Liquids surface tension. Determination of surface tension coefficient
Transport phenomenon in cells. Passive transport. Active transport.
Cell potential. Calculation of magnitude potential of cell in quiescent state and act state.
Electrical field of the heart. Simulation of electrical field of heart. Methods of investigation of the heart activity.
Direct electric current in medicine. Galvanization and iontophoresis
Alternating electric current in medicine. Impedance plethysmography.
Pulsed currents in medicine.
Total test of module 1.
Sensors. Electrical determination of non-electrical magnitude.
Magnetic field in medicine.
Shortwave and microwave therapy. Surgical diathermy and violet rays therapy
Optical microscopy.
Biophysics of vision.
Polarized light in medicine
Light absorption and medical diagnostics
Ultraviolet, visible and IR light and its therapeutic application
Thermal radiation of bioobjects
Luminescence in medicine
Lasers in medicine
Quantum mechanics and electron microscopy X-rays in medicine
X-rays in medicine
Radioactivity. Nuclear medicine. Dosimetry
Total test of module 2
41 group
11.03. 25, III class Nuclear magnetic resonance. Magnetic-resonance tomography
Fediv V.I.
25.03.25, III class Nanomedicine
Fediv V.I.
08.04.25, III class Biophysics of ionizing radiation.
Fediv V.I.
22.04.25, III class Physical basis of physiotherapy
Olar О.І.

Topic 1

Topic 2

Topic 3

Topic 4

Work Book 1

Work Book 2

Work Book 3